Happy New Year, One 👏 Week 👏 Into 👏 The 👏 Trump 👏Administration 👏 And 👏 I 👏 Am 👏 Trying 👏 So 👏 Hard 👏 Not 👏 To 👏 Lose 👏 My 👏 Cool.
Here is the Serenity Prayer, as a quick refresh.
Wait, that’s the wrong one.
Anyway, you get the picture.
Oh believe me I could easily spend every moment of every day flaming the Trump administration for every single catastrophe they lob into the public sphere like tossing a grenade into a cellar full of Bubble Guppies.
Just not sure I’m ready for it, and it's kind of twisting me up inside a bit.
Anyway, gonna go liquidate all my assets and I guess pour it into $Melania crypto tokens? Do I have this right? We just grift in full view now and that is just what we do? Instagram and Meta are blocking people’s access to healthcare information and it is NBD. This diva fired this woman DURING THE INAUGURAL BALL and a Fox News host runs the DOD now.
I guess…pace yourself? Don’t blow all your outrage in the first week out of…hundreds of weeks?
We must find humor where we can.
I, for example, was talking to my dad the other day about his arthritic hip, and I was like “what about just an aspirin every morning and some stretching and activity?” And he was like “Don’t be ridiculous, I think I’m going to go down a more natural path?”
“My friend has a naturopath and he got a prescription and he is going to give some of the pills to me.” (Which is not, to my understanding, naturopathy? In any case.)
“Well, what is in the pills? Are they unregulated supplements?”
“I just don’t think it’s advisable to take other people’s medicati–”
*sound of father struggling with reading glasses and fiddling with another man’s bottle of pills*
“Here you go smart guy. It’s something called mi-...miso—...misoprostol??”
Yes, that is correct. MISOPROSTOL.
One man gave another man some Misoprostol, which can be used for ulcers I think, but is also used to procure a medication abortion.
My dad was like “do NOT write about this” and I said “unfortunately that is not possible.”
The elders are giving each other abortion pills for their hip pain. Everything is upside down. GIVE THEM TO ME, we need to stockpile those.
Speaking of open access to abortion pills for all - and not just my Dad, I must plug my most recent Choice Words with Amanda Skinner, who is the President and CEO of Planned Parenthood Southern New England. We have a fascinating conversation about the many misconceptions surrounding Planned Parenthood's mission and the breadth of healthcare services they actually provide for a variety of patients. Please check it out wherever get your podcasts.
We must nourish our bodies. For example I made Andy Baraghani’s citrus and caramelized date salad from his amazing book, and I swear to God I think about it ten times a day. I gave myself so many high fives for this dish even though I didn’t invent it, and merely followed his highly entertaining instructions. Uncrate the sun!
And we must nourish our minds, or at least distract them a bit.
For example–I am hosting a book event for Neko Case tonight in New York City and friends, I am here to tell you that if you read ONE book in the next ten years, please make it this one. I feel blessed that she asked me to participate in this event, and tbh I pray that I can get through it without crying that she is also writing the music for the Broadway adaptation of Thelma and Louise. Nope. Already misting over like a g-d baby.
I also highly recommend the distraction of rewatching Downton Abbey, which I am embarrassed to tell you I thought was DownTOWN Abbey for three FULL ASS seasons, since I didn’t watch it and never listened to anybody talk about it ever.
Anyway now I’m watching it, and it’s great of course–and gives me that uncomfortable squirmy feeling I used to get as a child from all the awkward misapprehensions of Three’s Company.
Somehow in a time of turmoil, watching people brutally misunderstand each other and demonstrate extreme emotional constipation is just the ticket to relax and unwind my brain! Agonizing!
And something I would like to remind everybody, as we venture forth into semi-uncharted waters: cleanse yourself of social media as much as you are able.
I have put myself on a strict diet of zero brain rot social media time. Sure, I miss all the videos of cats launching themselves into Christmas trees, but this is a price I am willing to pay.
Only for business, only when I have something to say, only when necessary. Watching all of those tech bro Dobby’s on the dais boot licking Trump was brain Ozempic for me; I lost my appetite to carry their water and give them my eyeballs and personal data.
Happy to keep the lights on for the socials and post occasionally on a few platforms, but a better use of all those precious brain cells is to put them toward Neko Case’s new book and rest up for the marathon we are already running.
Love to all.
Great column! God I needed those laughs.
Here is one small thing some have been doing to push the Democrats to do more. It's an idea Timothy Snyder (who wrote On Tyranny) has been pushing for a People's (shadow) cabinet. If anyone feels like it, you can sign this petition and repost the following:
Democrats, we must get louder to respond forcefully to the administration and make them own their unpopular actions. Let's form a Democratic People's Cabinet, our best folks speaking out. Please sign and repost!
(see https://snyder.substack.com/p/shadow-cabinet)
I ordered the book! Always nice to have something to listen to that muffles the screaming inside my head.
It is my greatest wish that the fascist felon will soon meet an overdue, natural end.
All that Adderall is bound to explode his 3 brain cells eventually, right?