I love owl legs - you think they are all those feathers with little tiny legs, and then you find out that their legs are as long as their bodies - sometimes longer. They are fascinating.
I agree that dog training is essential, and not just for large dogs. Once when I was running a neighbors dog darted out of their yard across my path with impeccable timing, tripping me and causing me to fly airborne for a couple of meters before landing facedown on the pavement with such force that I could not take a breath for a full minute while the dog was standing over me drooling.
Incessant barking can also be a nuisance that bothers everyone in the neighborhood. I’ve had this discussion with some dog-owning friends, and they just don’t get it. Just because your neighbors haven’t complained to you about it doesn’t mean they like being woken up by barking at 3:00AM.
Kudos on getting your dad’s puppy a great trainer!
PS - I am also a cat person, but did have a (well-trained) dog for several years.
I love owl legs - you think they are all those feathers with little tiny legs, and then you find out that their legs are as long as their bodies - sometimes longer. They are fascinating.
A pox on the doctor.
While I am a cat person, I would have liked a detailed description of your journey with the dog and the trainer. Cats, well, you know...
I agree that dog training is essential, and not just for large dogs. Once when I was running a neighbors dog darted out of their yard across my path with impeccable timing, tripping me and causing me to fly airborne for a couple of meters before landing facedown on the pavement with such force that I could not take a breath for a full minute while the dog was standing over me drooling.
Incessant barking can also be a nuisance that bothers everyone in the neighborhood. I’ve had this discussion with some dog-owning friends, and they just don’t get it. Just because your neighbors haven’t complained to you about it doesn’t mean they like being woken up by barking at 3:00AM.
Kudos on getting your dad’s puppy a great trainer!
PS - I am also a cat person, but did have a (well-trained) dog for several years.
Just remember : dogs rule, cats drool
Dang, SB, we love your notes.
It’s too you to complain in such an animal-loving manner! A classic post, dear influencer!