When I was little, I wanted to be POTUS. Then it became obvious I'd need to be Empress in order to get anything done. I still dream about that... getting significant and positive things done at a federal level, I mean. 😊 I miss your voice and straight-faced rapier wit in my living room. Reading these posts feels like meeting a friend for coffee after we both moved away after college. Plus some recipe sharing!

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I totally agree, Jordan is a sleeze ball and Jr is a total nut job. And the five year thing is a great idea, but it would take longer than five years to begin to fix all the shit old white men have fucked up in the last several centuries. Quite a few thousands of years ago the world was matriarchal. And it was fairly peaceful. What a concept, huh?

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Jordan is worse than dog shit. He is one of the flies buzzing around it waiting to lay an egg. He ignored sexual abuse at Ohio State according to numerous wrestlers. John Boehner called him a legislative terrorist.

I’m glad that there are some Republicans with a backbone who don’t cater to every whim of the big fat little handed mushroom penis slime on the bottom of my shoe, Donald Trump.

Sam, I love you! I did my part to keep you on TV by watching every episode of Full Frontal more than once.

I hope you’re given the opportunity for another show because you deserve it!

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Dear Samantha we were going to see you in Los Angeles on Sunday but we got an email saying the show was cancelled I calked the theater and they confirmed it so we didn’t get to see your show 😞

I hope you come around here again 🤗

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I also knew Hillary was going to lose. I was doing research for a play about online misogyny (I’m still recovering from writing it) and I went to some deep, dark ass parts of the internet. Like 4chan dark. I wanted to know how these guys think - the guys who harass women online and believe in “Men’s Rights” and shit. The thing that got me was there. were. so. many. of. them. I told my husband “I think she’s going to lose” in like, august 2016. He was like “no that won’t happen” and I was like yeah I’m just being dumb, and like you stuffed that in the no-no place in my brain. But when she lost, I was not surprised. Horrified, terrified - yes. Surprised? No.

Anyway this house speaker thing is an epic shitshow and with everything else going on I just marvel at how inept and bizarre it is.

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Campbell Smith, who has controlled my life from the moment she gleefully burst forth from my uterus, forced me to subscribe. She’s never led me astray. Well, maybe a couple of times in New York in the 00s.

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