You nailed it--America needs a big ole pause button. I'm watching this from Trump's wannabe 51st state, and the reality TV show of America has really gone off the rails this year. We're working on turning you into the 11th province, and bring some peace and poutine to your country.

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More bad news, I think Portugal got rid of the Golden Visa, as it was too popular. The good news, you can still get in through the regular visa process. My cousins moved last May, and they love it.

I know you were kidding, but I’m being serious. I write this from the Netherlands, where there is also a really good quality of life. I hear that country where you used to live is pretty good too.

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Thank you! Reading your Substack is like listening to my own brain curse the universe. Glad your shoulder is much better, so you can carry on with your writing and touring. Thanks again & keep it up!

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I would absolutely subscribe to a frozen shoulder Substack. It’s like 87% of my personality at this point.

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Do you allow attaching files or videos to post??

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I found your rant about Rubia and the gang very cathartic. Thank you!!!

But mainly I'm here to say...

Ladies, if your shoulders and hips are hurting, get your thyroid levels checked. My doc was trying to tell me it was "just menopause" and I suffered for months and months with both of my shoulders frozen and insanely tight hips. Turns out I have Hashimoto's (there's a blood test for it) and it destroyed half of my thyroid, which was causing all the joint issues. Once I got on a thyroid med the pain eventually left and I felt 10 years younger.

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PINO sits on that chair like it's a toilet. No one ever apparently taught him proper posture for presidential photo ops.

Maybe it's his Freudian slip pose on that golden pee-pee tape chair?

We all know Putin's got SOMETHING on him since Putin has NOTHING to offer the United States in return for our betrayal of Ukraine, yet FF cowers before the 2-bit dictator like he's some actually powerful leader.

Hope some enterprising investigative reporter finds out what kompromat Vlad has on the fascist felon.

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